Monday, April 23, 2012

leaving Blog until Summer.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 129 lbs.
mood: okay
sleep: 8 hours

I will not be writing in this Blog until the end of Spring.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

my husband decided.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 129 lbs.
mood: okay
sleep: 8 hours

On Saturday, my husband decided I will take 20 mg Aripiprazole a day again.  My family-of-origin in the states prefer me on prescription pills (and injections!), as they have stocks and bonds in Eli Lilly.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Post-traumatic stress disorder risk.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings, every other day (until Sat.).
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 129 lbs.
mood: okay
sleep: 8 hours

Psychological therapy is recommended in the United Kingdom (UK) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) risk.

An expert Psychologist in PTSD said, "Psychological factors, such as past history of trauma or a trait called neuroticism, tend to predict PTSD with much greater precision and they are less costly to assess."

 See -- Gene clue to post-traumatic stress disorder risk

This morning, my husband agreed that I can take Aripiprazole every other day.  I begin on Tuesday.  This morning, I took Aripiprazole.  On Tuesday, I will not take Aripiprazole.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Trauma Can Cause Psychosis

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 129 lbs.
mood: okay
sleep: 8 hours

A slideshow posted online by Ron Unger:

When Trauma and Psychosis Mix

Monday, April 2, 2012

"Vapping": switching from paper cigarettes to e-cigarettes.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: okay (to good)
sleep: 8 hours

I reported on 7 February 2012 that I had stopped smoking paper cigarettes and switched to e-cigarettes.  I continued smoking paper cigarettes.

USSA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tightens rules to require tobacco firms to report levels of dangerous chemicals

Tobacco Companies Must Reveal Harmful Ingredients

Now, though addicted to chemicals in paper cigarettes, my husband and I are stopping smoking paper cigarettes.  We had two paper cigarettes together, outside, on Saturday, then stopped.

We have both switched to e-cigarettes.  We plan to "vap" e-cigarettes for some years.

According to many sources I've read, after three days, many withdrawal symptoms from paper cigarettes subside.  By Tuesday, I shall be feeling better, from what I have read.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Regarding DSM-5, "The Psychiatrist's Bible"

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: okay
sleep: 8 hours

On May 5, 2012, a meeting to publish DSM-5 meets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USSA.

 From a wildflowers' movement blogpost regarding DSM-5, "The Psychiatrist's Bible":

"Al Galves, executive director of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry, is among them. He wants to see DSM-5 jargon replaced with relevant terms reflecting the stresses of modern life—loss, despair, loneliness, hopelessness—words relating to 'emotional distress, spiritual emergencies, life crises, and difficult dilemmas.'  The question, he says, is 'how do you get the psychiatric establishment and the pharmaceutical industry to revamp totally' so that they move away from the language of the medical model and use ordinary words to facilitate helping people who are suffering."


Could DSM-5 Be Harmful to Your Mental Health?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: okay
sleep: 8 hours

Dreaming eases painful memories

"Most people have to deal with traumatic events at some point in their lives, and, for some, these can produce post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), leaving them emotionally disturbed long after the event itself."

In a study of PTSD volunteers, researchers found that studying dream sleep could assist in understanding PTSD patients.

"Those who had slept properly had less activity in the amygdala, a part of the brain associated with heightened emotions, and more activity in the prefrontal cortex, a brain region linked to more rational thinking."

With no sleep the amygdala has greater activity.  There is less activity in the prefrontal cortex, with no sleep.

"Consultant clinical psychologist Dr Roderick Orner said that although sleep was believed by many to play a crucial role in the processing of traumatic memories, there were likely to be many other factors at work in PTSD patients."

I had post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  For some, this is unrecognised.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Waking up two hours during sleep is good.

the myth of the eight-hour sleep
an eight-hour sleep is unnecessary.

"With the advent of street lighting, however, socialising at night began to filter down through the classes."

"Night became fashionable and spending hours lying in bed was considered a waste of time."

"'For most of evolution we slept a certain way, says sleep psychologist Gregg Jacobs. 'Waking up during the night is part of normal human physiology.'"

In the early nineteen-nineties, psychiatrist Thomas Wehr's study stated that people can sleep four hours, wake for one to two hours, then, sleep again.

"During this waking period people were quite active. They often got up, went to the toilet or smoked tobacco and some even visited neighbours."

I have always liked to do this, since becoming an adult.

I was stopped from doing this in March 1996.

Monday, March 5, 2012

antipsychotics death risk

From the United Kingdom, "...Rebecca Wood said the risks of antipsychotics were 'well-established' yet 'progress has been frustratingly slow' in reducing their use."

antipsychotics death risk charted

"The Department of Health said antipsychotic use was 'resulting in as many as 1,800 unnecessary deaths per year. This is simply unacceptable.'"

This is in the United Kingdom alone.

1,800 unnecessary deaths per year.  Per year, since antipsychotic use began, perhaps, only in dementia patients.

Of haloperidol, quetiapine, aripiprazole (Abilify), olanzapine (Zyprexa), and ziprasidone (Geodon, Zeldox, "quietapine was the only one of the other five to have a lesser risk of death, and the other three were 'not significantly different' than risperidone..."  -- MedPage

BBC News Health and Science Reporter James Gallagher said, "...the study...establishes a correlation between the drugs and the respective death rates."  He said the study's methodology does not show one antipsychotic results in more deaths than any other antipsychotic.

antipsychotic medication death rate

Harvard researchers "...stress the importance of prescribing such drugs in the lowest possible dose..."

"In the Harvard study, the antipsychotic drugs taken by nursing-home residents included:
  • Aripiprazole.
  • Haloperidol.
  • Olanzapine.
  • Quetiapine.
  • Risperidone.
  • Ziprasidone.
Out of the 75,445 residents, a total of 6,598 died within the six-month study from non-cancer related causes"
dementia death risk doubles on antipsychotics 

" in four patients with dementia are being prescribed antipsychotics in order to sedate them and control difficult behaviour."

" Antipsychotics are not used for early dementia. They won’t be thrown down the throats of people who have misplaced their door key or forgotten a dental appointment. They are prescribed for agitated disturbed patients during the last stages of this awful disease."

can a chemical cosh ever be compassionate?

Knowing the horrific side-effects of antipsychotics, as well, I think possibly, possibly, No.  Probably, No.

No.  No.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Death risk doubles on many neuroleptics.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: okay
sleep: 8 hours

Many neuroleptics cause dementia (and other) death risks to double.

The newer neuroleptics are said now to be better and not cause death risks.  This is probably untrue.

Dementia death risk doubles on some antipsychotics

Monday, February 20, 2012

The New! Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: okay
sleep: 8 hours

The New DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is coming out! at the end of 2012.

70% of the DSM taskforce has ties to the prescription pill and prescription injection industry.

"For Frances, the risk is that more children will be given antipsychotic medications.

'The huge weight gain associated with anti-psychotics means you are literally shortening people's lives and I just couldn't stand by and do nothing,' he says.

These drugs are the biggest selling class of prescription medications in the US, with more than $US14 billion in sales in 2008.

The most obese country in the world spends more on anti-psychotics than on cholesterol medication."

A new chapter for psychiatrist's bible

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Eli Lilly loses patent protection for Zyprexa (Olanzapine)

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: sad
sleep: 8 hours

Eli Lilly and Company lost patent protection for its number one product, the neuroleptic prescription pill and injection, Zyprexa (Olanzapine).

Zyprexa (Olanzapine) is known to cause from 100 lb - 250 lb weight gain, among other severe health problems.  Zyprexa (Olanzapine) caused me to gain 100 lbs.

Eli Lilly To Freeze Base Pay For Most Employees in 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

*Your Drug May Be Your Problem*

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: okay
sleep: 8 hours

When I ordered Your Drug May Be Your Problem by Peter R. Breggin, M.D. and David Cohen, Ph.D. from Amazon my mom and dad threw it away or hid it.

Then, I had to secretly go to a book store to purchase Your Drug May Be Your Problem by Peter R. Breggin, M.D. and David Cohen, Ph.D.

I have stopped smoking cigarettes and switched to e-cigarettes.  E-cigarettes are all nicotine.

Monday, January 30, 2012

abnormal movements

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: okay
sleep: 8 hours

"Antipsychotic drugs should be completely stopped at the first sign of any abnormal movements.  Too often doctors try to guess whether or not a particular abnormal movement, like eye blinking or grimacing, is related to tardive dyskinesia.  Any abnormal movement should be considered a probable manifestation of tardive dyskinesia when the patient is taking antipsychotic drugs, including the newer ones, and the drug should be stopped as quickly as possible."

(from Peter Breggin, M.D. and David Cohen, PhD., Your Drug May Be Your Problem, 1999)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

"America's eugenicists even encouraged Nazi Germany in its massive sterilisation of the mentally ill, a program that led directly to crematoriums of the Holocaust." 

Sir Francis Galton wanted to "breed more desirable...domestic animals through careful breeding practices...applied to humans..."

"...[Galton] wondered, 'Could not the race of men be similarly improved?  Could not the undesirables be got rid of and the desirables multiplied?"

(all quotes from Mad In America by Robert Whitaker)

Monday, January 16, 2012

return to Blog.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

My husband suggested I return to my Blog. 

You can notice I added the very, very important Mad In America website to "My Blog List".  Robert Whitaker's Mad In America is crucial to understanding the situation in America (and the countries America's main neuroleptic companies have colonised).

Here is an example of the countries one main neuroleptic company, Eli Lilly (Global manufacturing plants), has colonised.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

taking time away from Blog.

I've decided to take some time away from my Blog.  I have a lot of other work to do.

I have lost 80 lbs. since 2001.  I am 20 lbs. overweight.  I am healthier because I lost weight I was forced to gain on prescription pills and prescription injections.  I am doing well.

I am considering returning to my Blog in May, 2012.  I will consider returning during the second to the last week of May, 2012.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 129 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

The mass killer in Norway, Brevik, was declared paranoid schizophrenic.

Of him, John Christian Elden said, "...he will of course be incarcerated."

"And if the outcome is criminally sane or insane, that is, first and foremost a psychiatric question. The most important thing in our clients' opinion is that he will not be able to walk the streets."

What is interesting to me, here (as one who was formerly declared "paranoid schizophrenic", then, c/"schizophrenia", then, "schizoaffective") is that the word "incarcerated" and the words "will not be able to walk the streets" are used to describe the outcome for one called "paranoid schizophrenic", "schizophrenic", "schizoaffective", "bipolar", and "depressed".

Obvious, I know, that Brevik deserves to be incarcerated and not able to walk the streets.

Many, however, like me, are incarcerated and not allowed to walk the streets when they are not a danger to others or themselves.

It is for those people that I write this blog.

decaf coffee could cause a heart risk

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 135 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

In a USSA study involving almost two hundred people, decaf coffee is seen to probably cause an increase in bad cholesterol.  An increase in bad cholesterol can lead to heart disease and diabetes.

decaf coffee linked to heart risk

Friday, November 25, 2011

Images capture moment brain goes unconscious

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking, dancing
weight: 129 lbs. (published 12-26-11)
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

A new imaging technique monitors the brain as it slips into unconsciousness.

This new technique "could ultimately help doctors pinpoint damage in the brains of people suffering from stroke and head injury."

"For the first time researchers have monitored the brain as it slips into unconsciousness."

Images capture moment brain goes unconscious

Thursday, November 24, 2011

the brain dealing with memory of traumatic events

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking, dancing
weight: 129 lbs. (published 12-26-11)
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

"Most people have to deal with traumatic events at some point in their lives, and, for some, these can produce post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), leaving them emotionally disturbed long after the event itself."

Consultant clinical psychologist Dr Roderick Orner said, "In cases of more severe trauma, it may be just too difficult for the patient to process it during sleep, especially if the event has had a significant impact on that person's day to day life."

how the brain deals with the memory of unpleasant or traumatic events during sleep


medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 135 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

Since I have been on prescription pills and injections (needles), my teeth have been destroyed.  Since I have been on prescription pills and injections (needles), my teeth have been destroyed.

The prescription pills and injections (needles) make anyone tired really, really, really early.  I fell/fall asleep really, really, really early without knowing I would/will fall asleep.

So, I would forget and be unable to brush my teeth.

I would not only forget and be unable to brush my teeth, but I would eat more on prescription pills and injections (needles), especially Olanzapine (Zyprexa), which changes anyone's metabolism.

"Gain 100 lbs with Zyprexa!"

from Tuesday, April 14, 2009


In 2000-2001, i was forced to go on ZYPREXA, in USSA. It was completely forced upon me by a doctor from another country. I did not want to take it. The doctor had big drooling dog under desk, when she lied to me that it was only that i was eating too much food, not ZYPREXA. ZYPREXA changed my metabolism sending me from 110 lbs. - 210 lbs.

ZYPREXA : it is a known fact that ZYPREXA has side effects. My personal experience is that it caused me to go from a size 4 (USSA) to a size 16 (USSA). It is very expensive to change clothes sizes to such a big size, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and in other ways, as well.

There are size 0 women in USSA who don't have to take ZYPREXA.....I was told by someone who DECIDED the diagnosis given to me, "Your problem is that you were too skinny."

Monday, November 21, 2011

One in four American women.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking, dancing
weight: 132 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

Over one-quarter of Americans take a prescription pill or injection for conditions like anxiety and depression.  "Women are more likely than men to take antipsychotic drugs, according to a new report.  Prescriptions for psychiatric problems in all adults have risen 22% since 2001."  This article shows the "Percent of the Population on Mental Health Medications by Region" in the United States, as well.

One in four American women take medication for a mental disorder

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Brain Cells' Genetic Make-Up Changes Thousands of Times.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking, dancing
weight: 132 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

"The genetic make-up of our brain cells changes thousands of times over the course of our lifetimes, according to new research."

from:  DNA gene theories on how the brain works

"The study shows for the first time that brain cells are genetically different to other cells in the body, and are also genetically distinct from each other."

Retrotransposons, genes, have been identified by scientists, which cause very small changes " the DNA of brain tissue."

Dr. Geoff Faulkner said, ""If we can understand better how these subtle genetic changes occur we could shed light on how brain cells regenerate, how processes like memory formation may have a genetic basis and possibly link the activity of these genes to brain diseases."

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Coffee Assists Women's Memory

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking, dancing
weight: 133 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

I lost 12 lbs in the last month and three quarters.  I lost approximately 2 lbs. a week, which is an acceptable amount to lose a week.

An article for women sixty-five and older (or for those preparing).
Women sixty-five and older who drink three and over three cups of coffee a day perform better on memory tests compared with those who drink one or less cups of coffee a day.

The study, involving 7000 women, also "raises the possibility that caffeine may even protect against the development of dementia"

Men's memories are not affected in this way by coffee.  The reason is unclear.

Coffee 'protects female memory'

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

even a vacation is difficult.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 145 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

                 Aripiprazole (Abilify) has very, very bad
side effects that make even a vacation difficult.  Ari-
piprazole (Abilify) makes summer or spring or "Indian
summer" or life in a hot climate difficult and painful, as
well.  If you sweat on Aripiprazole (Abilify), are out in hot
sun or live in a (like a) hot climate, you could die of a heat
stroke.  If you want to drink liquor, beer or wine, even
sometimes, Aripiprazole (Abilify) is not for you.
(Odd, to come from an alcoholic family and be someone
called a "teetotaler" by them, that that family-of-origin decides
to put me on many medicines that do not allow any alcoholic
drinks.)  Aripiprazole (Abilify) can make a person feel very
groggy or sedated, as well, while hyper.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

drinking coffee strategically

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 145 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

Medicine, taken. Diet, okay. Exercise, good. Weight, same. Mood, o.k. Sleep, eight hours.

My husband informed me of an article about coffee intake. It recommends that one weans himself off of coffee. Then, go without coffee for ten days straight. After that, one can use coffee strategically by drinking a strong cup of occasional coffee "as pick-me-up."

What you do not want is a "daily tolerance". Have a strategic cup of coffee (drinking it "fairly quickly"), then, take a nap for fifteen minutes and wake up refreshed.

How To Break Your Daily Coffee Intake and Use Coffee Strategically

is also a coffee compound. GABA "is the chief inhibitory transmitter in the mammalian central nervous system." Neurotransmitter functions and functioning are of interest. So, reconsider drinking a lot of coffee.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Coffee Intake Leads to Hallucinations

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 145 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

'Visions Link' to coffee intake

Some experiences reported after caffeine include: "seeing things that were not there, hearing voices, and sensing the presence of dead people."

Coffee intake could be considered when deciding that a person has "hallucinations" and shall be locked up in a mental hospital.

A Durham University team "also stress that experiencing hallucinations is not a definite sign of mental illness and that about 3% of people regularly hear voices."

Monday, August 1, 2011

Stopping smoking.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 146 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

I could not have to stop smoking in one to two weeks. I am uncertain in exactly how many weeks I will have to stop smoking. There could be time to "titrate down". If possible, I can decrease by one cigarette every one to two days. This is less painful than stopping suddenly. I do not want to stop suddenly.

I am uncertain exactly how many cigarettes I smoke a day. So, first, I will have to count the cigarettes I smoke for four days to get an average of cigarettes smoked a day.

I am going to look at The Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. The Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr was very recommended by a woman who stopped smoking with her husband in one day.

Although I plan to not stop smoking in one day, it could assist me to stop smoking.

I have a role model. He stopped smoking twenty years ago.

I know a woman who smokes e-cigs. She switched to e-cigs to stop smoking. My husband has suggested that he and I could smoke e-cigs. We have studied e-cigs.

I have people who have encouraged me to stop smoking. One woman smokes infrequently. One woman does not smoke and dislikes smoking a lot.

I was told by my brother that stopping smoking will assist me. My husband does not like the smell nor taste of cigarettes.

I do not have anything against smokers. I never really stopped anyone from smoking around me.

I plan not to stop smokers from smoking. I have to stop smoking.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Titration and Stopping smoking

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 146 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

Titration must be done very gradually. Titration is best explained in Beyond Meds' Water titration for slow and controlled psychiatric drug withdrawal.

I have to stop smoking in two to three weeks. I am preparing while continuing to smoke. I will not have time to "titrate down", smoking one less every one to two days. I could "titrate down", for one to two weeks, but I would not be stopped, yet.

I would only decrease by 3 - 14 cigarettes, not completely. So, I will stop suddenly, which is not recommended.

I must stop smoking within three weeks. I am smoking, now.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

getting over mourning and a howto: titration

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 146 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

I am getting over mourning quite well. There was some extra attention to email due to mourning of me and others.

I took off for a week to mourn, too.

I am back to work, now, writing, cooking, cleaning, and preparing for my family here. My family here is doing well, studying and working.

One family member moved to a new place within her country. We assisted her a little bit with that, too, staying in contact.

My husband said that, at the end of this month, I can begin to titrate down on Aripiprazole. I will be getting a mortar and pestle.

We also require these items: a small mixer, a dropper, and two lab cylinders.

Here is a howto: titration.

(I will explain titration in the next Post.)