Friday, November 19, 2010

I admit I had 'insomnia'

I admit I had 'insomnia'.

I had 'insomnia' one night in 1993.

I had 'insomnia' seven nights in 1996 before 15 Mar 96, in January - 14 Mar 96.

Is 'insomnia' indirectly showing a woman over thirty years is "schizophrenic"?

I do not believe so.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

schizophrenia "relatively uncommon" after 30

"Three-quarters of the individuals with schizophrenia, develop the disease between the ages 16 and 25. It is relatively uncommon after the age of 30,"

Weird, that in an individual schizophrenia "is relatively uncommon after the age of 30". I was "relatively uncommon", as I was said to be an individual "with schizophrenia" after the age of 30.
Also, schizophrenia is more uncommon in women than in men.

I am female.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

i am a woman

I took the beardedladydisease test/quiz. I had almost all false. (in 2005)

I am uncertain that the beardedladydisease test/quiz is in this great blog, as I am in a hurry:

please look.

i know that when hospitalised, a woman is allowed only a razor, which causes hair to grow faster into a "moustache", if a woman has hair between nose and upper lip.

someone recently recommended that i 'wax' my chin and lower cheeks on my face, which i refused to do, as the same would happen.

sometimes, a woman can be assisted by a friend's recommendation.

where i live, in eastern europa, there are some women who have some hair growing between nose and upper lip who are respected (and even loved).

i must go.

i am a woman.