I took the beardedladydisease test/quiz. I had almost all false. (in 2005)
I am uncertain that the beardedladydisease test/quiz is in this great blog, as I am in a hurry:
www.schizophrenia-thebeardedladydisease.complease look.
i know that when hospitalised, a woman is allowed only a razor, which causes hair to grow faster into a "moustache", if a woman has hair between nose and upper lip.
someone recently recommended that i 'wax' my chin and lower cheeks on my face, which i refused to do, as the same would happen.
sometimes, a woman can be assisted by a friend's recommendation.
where i live, in eastern europa, there are some women who have some hair growing between nose and upper lip who are respected (and even loved).
i must go.
i am a woman.