Tuesday, August 16, 2011

drinking coffee strategically

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 145 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

Medicine, taken. Diet, okay. Exercise, good. Weight, same. Mood, o.k. Sleep, eight hours.

My husband informed me of an article about coffee intake. It recommends that one weans himself off of coffee. Then, go without coffee for ten days straight. After that, one can use coffee strategically by drinking a strong cup of occasional coffee "as a...smart pick-me-up."

What you do not want is a "daily tolerance". Have a strategic cup of coffee (drinking it "fairly quickly"), then, take a nap for fifteen minutes and wake up refreshed.

How To Break Your Daily Coffee Intake and Use Coffee Strategically

is also a coffee compound. GABA "is the chief inhibitory transmitter in the mammalian central nervous system." Neurotransmitter functions and functioning are of interest. So, reconsider drinking a lot of coffee.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Coffee Intake Leads to Hallucinations

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 145 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

'Visions Link' to coffee intake

Some experiences reported after caffeine include: "seeing things that were not there, hearing voices, and sensing the presence of dead people."

Coffee intake could be considered when deciding that a person has "hallucinations" and shall be locked up in a mental hospital.

A Durham University team "also stress that experiencing hallucinations is not a definite sign of mental illness and that about 3% of people regularly hear voices."

Monday, August 1, 2011

Stopping smoking.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 146 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

I could not have to stop smoking in one to two weeks. I am uncertain in exactly how many weeks I will have to stop smoking. There could be time to "titrate down". If possible, I can decrease by one cigarette every one to two days. This is less painful than stopping suddenly. I do not want to stop suddenly.

I am uncertain exactly how many cigarettes I smoke a day. So, first, I will have to count the cigarettes I smoke for four days to get an average of cigarettes smoked a day.

I am going to look at The Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. The Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr was very recommended by a woman who stopped smoking with her husband in one day.

Although I plan to not stop smoking in one day, it could assist me to stop smoking.

I have a role model. He stopped smoking twenty years ago.

I know a woman who smokes e-cigs. She switched to e-cigs to stop smoking. My husband has suggested that he and I could smoke e-cigs. We have studied e-cigs.

I have people who have encouraged me to stop smoking. One woman smokes infrequently. One woman does not smoke and dislikes smoking a lot.

I was told by my brother that stopping smoking will assist me. My husband does not like the smell nor taste of cigarettes.

I do not have anything against smokers. I never really stopped anyone from smoking around me.

I plan not to stop smokers from smoking. I have to stop smoking.