medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 145 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours
Aripiprazole (Abilify) has very, very bad
side effects that make even a vacation difficult. Ari-
piprazole (Abilify) makes summer or spring or "Indian
summer" or life in a hot climate difficult and painful, as
well. If you sweat on Aripiprazole (Abilify), are out in hot
sun or live in a (like a) hot climate, you could die of a heat
stroke. If you want to drink liquor, beer or wine, even
sometimes, Aripiprazole (Abilify) is not for you.
(Odd, to come from an alcoholic family and be someone
called a "teetotaler" by them, that that family-of-origin decides
to put me on many medicines that do not allow any alcoholic
drinks.) Aripiprazole (Abilify) can make a person feel very
groggy or sedated, as well, while hyper.
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