Monday, January 30, 2012

abnormal movements

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: okay
sleep: 8 hours

"Antipsychotic drugs should be completely stopped at the first sign of any abnormal movements.  Too often doctors try to guess whether or not a particular abnormal movement, like eye blinking or grimacing, is related to tardive dyskinesia.  Any abnormal movement should be considered a probable manifestation of tardive dyskinesia when the patient is taking antipsychotic drugs, including the newer ones, and the drug should be stopped as quickly as possible."

(from Peter Breggin, M.D. and David Cohen, PhD., Your Drug May Be Your Problem, 1999)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

"America's eugenicists even encouraged Nazi Germany in its massive sterilisation of the mentally ill, a program that led directly to crematoriums of the Holocaust." 

Sir Francis Galton wanted to "breed more desirable...domestic animals through careful breeding practices...applied to humans..."

"...[Galton] wondered, 'Could not the race of men be similarly improved?  Could not the undesirables be got rid of and the desirables multiplied?"

(all quotes from Mad In America by Robert Whitaker)

Monday, January 16, 2012

return to Blog.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 136 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

My husband suggested I return to my Blog. 

You can notice I added the very, very important Mad In America website to "My Blog List".  Robert Whitaker's Mad In America is crucial to understanding the situation in America (and the countries America's main neuroleptic companies have colonised).

Here is an example of the countries one main neuroleptic company, Eli Lilly (Global manufacturing plants), has colonised.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

taking time away from Blog.

I've decided to take some time away from my Blog.  I have a lot of other work to do.

I have lost 80 lbs. since 2001.  I am 20 lbs. overweight.  I am healthier because I lost weight I was forced to gain on prescription pills and prescription injections.  I am doing well.

I am considering returning to my Blog in May, 2012.  I will consider returning during the second to the last week of May, 2012.

Thank you for reading.