Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Titration and Stopping smoking

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 146 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

Titration must be done very gradually. Titration is best explained in Beyond Meds' Water titration for slow and controlled psychiatric drug withdrawal.

I have to stop smoking in two to three weeks. I am preparing while continuing to smoke. I will not have time to "titrate down", smoking one less every one to two days. I could "titrate down", for one to two weeks, but I would not be stopped, yet.

I would only decrease by 3 - 14 cigarettes, not completely. So, I will stop suddenly, which is not recommended.

I must stop smoking within three weeks. I am smoking, now.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

getting over mourning and a howto: titration

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking
weight: 146 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

I am getting over mourning quite well. There was some extra attention to email due to mourning of me and others.

I took off for a week to mourn, too.

I am back to work, now, writing, cooking, cleaning, and preparing for my family here. My family here is doing well, studying and working.

One family member moved to a new place within her country. We assisted her a little bit with that, too, staying in contact.

My husband said that, at the end of this month, I can begin to titrate down on Aripiprazole. I will be getting a mortar and pestle.

We also require these items: a small mixer, a dropper, and two lab cylinders.

Here is a howto: titration.

(I will explain titration in the next Post.)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I feel sad.

medicine: 20 mg. Aripiprazole in the mornings.
diet: three to four meals a day
exercise: walking, bicycling
weight: 146 lbs.
mood: o.k.
sleep: 8 hours

On Monday, and for the last few days, I am in mourning. Someone close to me died.

I feel sad.

I am attempting to pay extra attention to honouring my heart and what my heart requires. I am o.k., but, sad.

My husband and I went out bicycling when we dealt with the news. My husband and I are both sad.