Saturday, September 4, 2010

Risperdal (Risperedone) causes problems

I was put on Risperdal (Risperedone) without being told that Risperdal (Risperedone) causes, often, a woman's menstrual cycle to disappear.

My husband and I believed that I was pregnant. We wasted a month to a month and a half finding a doctor to tell us otherwise. Only then did my then psychiatrist inform us that he knew all along that Risperdal (Risperedone) causes, often, a woman's menstrual cycle to disappear.

My friend thought for months, even a year, that she was already in menopause, though she was fairly young. Only when we spoke of our desire(s) for children did we find that she, too, was losing her menstrual cycle to Risperdal (Risperedone).

Now, Risperdal (Risperedone) is given to children; Risperdal (Risperedone) causes drooling, sedation, weight gain, and an "altered personality".


Child's Ordeal Shows Risks of Psychosis Drugs for Young

Is Risperdal (Risperedone) a form of sterilisation for women? I believe mental hospitalisations are.

I gained a little weight while on vacation. Still on 15 mg Aripiprazole (Abilify). Aripiprazole made our vacation much, much more difficult. I will explain why in future.

This past week:
  • medication: 5 mg Aripiprazole a.m., 10 mg Aripiprazole before sleep
  • sleep: average (on vacation, unknown)
  • exercise: walking, swimming, bicycling
  • diet: made certain to eat breakfast every day, ate four meals a day
  • weight: 160 lbs.
  • mood: ok all mornings upon rising

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